Sunday 12 December 2010

Evaluation: Target Readership

My target readership is aged between 16-19; they have a limited income, receiving money from their parents or a part time job. This is due to the fact that they are still in school or college, living with their parents; they would spend most of their money on fashion, buying urban clothes. Alternatively, they would spend their money on gaming, the cinema or gig tickets.  Many would watch MTV for diversion, as well as having it on in the background as they work, socialise or relax. They may also watch entrainment news which now appears on various channels, this would fulfil their need for surveillance, allowing them to find out what is going on in the music world. My target readership may also watch music videos on websites such as Youtube as this is a free source of diversion. They would be fans of first person shooting games such as Call of Duty or Halo. In current times stress form school or college is building up and the need for different types of diversion is increasing. As well as diversion, the readership would read music blogs or magazines for surveillance. Their main music interest is Hip-hop or R&B, with the majority of the readership owning at least one iPod. They own some CD’s, bought before the wide spread use of iTunes. However, now they get most of their songs by downloading. They have attended their favourite artist’s concert as well as having some memorabilia.  Finally, they would aspire to live a luxurious lifestyle, looking up to artists and celebrities who have made it big.

Photo #3

Saturday 11 December 2010

Flatplans for Music Magazine

Front Cover Idea
Double page spread idea 

Front Cover Idea

Contents page Mock-up

Double page spread idea
Double page spread idea

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Photo #1

I took this photo with plans to use it in my double page spread. In this photo my artist, ‘LDN’ is standing in front of a gratified wall. Graffiti is iconic of R&B/Hip-hop and urban culture and holds connotations of crime. The image is a long shot which captures the whole of his body. The bright white of the artist’s trainers contrasts well with the gray mouldy wall and wet concrete floor. The photo is taken at an angle and appears to capture a moment in the artist’s life where he is listening to music, he is wearing headphones and seems to be mouthing the words of a song, as well as tapping the beat on his thigh.  

Behind The Bars

The genre I chose for my music magazine was R&B/Hip-hop, This genre has many ties to prisons and criminality. This link can be attributed to some of the biggest rappers constantly talking about their dark pasts and many artists such as Lil Wayne and T.I being mixed up in the prison system. This allowed me to come up with a unique concept, which I felt was well suited to the genre and appeals to my target market. The concept is prisoners meet Hollywood meets Brooklyn, with the latest reviews, and an emphasis on photo shoots and exclusive interviews.  The name that I thought represented this concept was ‘Behind the Bars’ with ‘bars’ being the focal word. ‘Behind the Bars’ also has a dual meaning, the more obvious one being, behind prison bars, secondly lyrics are often referred to as bars. Therefore, the name infers that the magazine goes behind the lyrics.
This blogs lists artists in the R&B/Hip-hop genre who are in prisons, further reason as to why my concept is well placed in this genre: Rappers we wish werent in prison